Getting from your first supply request to a working supply and receiving your first electricity bill can be a long and complicated process if you are not aware of the correct steps. It is a complex process and it is important to understand the roles and responsibilities of each party in the process including your own.
We offer a fully managed service to our clients looking for either upgraded or new supplies – we will work with all of the suppliers as well as your M & E consultants and builders. This service is provided free of charge, where we arrange the ongoing supply contract for the site – where this is not appropriate we can agree on a fee payable on the site going live.
We can arrange changes to electricity (Single Phase, Three Phase, Half Hourly and High Voltage), gas (all supply sizes from domestic to heavy industrial) and water supplies – as well as new supply points.
To find out more about how Energy Solutions can arrange for your supply to be fitted fast and cheaper, please call us on 0131 610 1688.
A client in Cumbria approached their existing supplier and was quoted “at least 5 weeks” for a new meter install – we arranged for the meter to be fitted by an alternative supplier in 12 days.