Whether you want an overview of the gas and electricity markets, to find out more about how commercial energy is procured, or learn about the tax allowances available to businesses for energy-saving products, these guides will give you all the information you need.
SME Guide: Purchasing Electricity and Gas
Originally called “Electricity and Your Business”, this guide was written by Nick Grogan, Director of Energy Solutions. Its aim is to help small businesses find the cheapest electricity and gas contracts and save them money. We’ll let Nick tell you more.
“Every week, I talk to companies who want to reduce their energy costs and are looking for a quick and simple way to do so. Unfortunately, there are many companies, websites and guides out there that make it increasingly difficult for small businesses to get the right prices. There are suppliers who complicate the issue as well, offering different rates to existing customers and to those who call rather than use the website.
I’d like to help your business with its electricity and gas contracts, and I hope, having read this guide, that at least you will be in a position to make sure you have some choice on who supplies your electricity and what you pay for it.”
To claim your free copy of the guide, simply provide a few simple details and we’ll send you the download link. If you’d rather not provide this information, you can purchase a paper copy on Amazon, or for the Kindle.
SME Guide: Purchasing Electricity and Gas (Kindle Edition)
Industrial and Commercial Energy Procurement

Most gas and electricity contracts are still agreed through the traditional annual or biennial tender route, with the majority taking place in October and April. However, this option is not without its own significant risks. If you end up going to the market when prices are highest, your business could find itself paying 30-40% more than a competitor that arranges its tender at a different time. As the cost of energy frequently represents one of the most significant areas of expenditure, there is a very clear case for analysing all available purchasing options.
This guide has been designed to give you:
- A brief overview of the gas and electricity markets
- An analysis of how these markets work, and how they affect you
- An explanation of the core information you must hold for each of your sites that consume electricity and/or mains gas
It also explains in detail the main procurement options available to you and how each of these options defines the likely price outcomes. The benefits and risks of each option are also clearly explained. Every business will have a different risk tolerance, so it’s important to consider the risks and draw up strategies to minimise them while at the same time ensuring that the potential benefits are maximized.
Industrial and Commercial Energy Procurement (Kindle Edition)
New Connections – Obtaining a new electricity supply

We’ve created this simple guide to managing new connections for companies large and small alike that want to arrange a new electricity supply connection for their business. Progressing from your first supply request to finally receiving your first electricity bill can be complicated if you don’t follow the correct steps. This easy to follow guide is designed to help you understand the roles and responsibilities of each party in the process, including your own.
The process needn’t be difficult and, if you follow all the right steps, it won’t be. Download it today and it will help you clearly understand find out how to start the process, who you need to contact, who does what and, crucially, your role in the process.
To claim your free copy of the guides, simply provide a few details and we’ll send you the download link.
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